Ace Frehley

Paul Daniel "Ace" Frehley, or 'The Spaceman' to his fans, a young Ace (aptly named for hooking his mates up on dates!) was born on the 11th of June 1951 and grew up in the bronx.

Having been thrown out of a few schools, joining a gang known as the duckies with which one member would become Blackie from W.A.S.P and being the youngest of 3 children, music ran through the family. at 13, Ace recived a guitar for Christmas and dedicated his time to learning the greats such as B.B King, Buddy Guy, Jimi Hendrix to name but a few of his influences.

Spending much time in local bands during the early 70's and after spotting an ad in the paper for a lead guiarist, Ace was introduced to Gene simmons, Paul Stanley and Peter Criss and with the visually unimpressive look to one side, they loved how he made that guitar sing. fast foward to early Kiss, Ace took a part time job as a cabbie to fund the band and soon taking on Bill Aucoin as the manager, the first debut album KISS was born.

After many Kiss releases, guest apperances and an odd death hoax under his belt, Ace left the Kiss nest to follow his solo career Frehley's Comet in 1982. Signing to Mageforce Records in '87, the first album 'Frehleys Comet' was released reaching #43 on the Billboard 200 and the later 'Trouble Walkin'' at #102. Joining and touring with Peter Criss due to both appearing on each others solo albums and thus keeping a good tie during the solo career (not too much with Gene) they embarked on the "Bad Boys Tour", which saw a Kiss reunion after the 1995 apperance on MTV, safe to say, the fans went nuts.

With the 'in and out' of Kiss during those years and apperances in many live shows and guest albums, this is one musician who is far from burning out!

"I can't even read notes. But I can teach someone how to make a guitar smoke."

Ace Frehley - Kiss

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